1. Prevention and control of fish diseases.
Copper sulfate can be used to prevent and treat fish diseases caused by protozoa (such as flagellates, egg whipworm disease, cryptoflagellate disease, fish wave bean disease, capillary disease, oblique tube disease, ciliates such as rotifer disease, etc.), as well as fish diseases caused by crustaceans (such as Chinese shrimp disease, etc.).
The medication concentration for whole pool sprinkling: often used in combination with ferrous sulfate, which is both safe and effective.
In spring and autumn, it is 0.7-1 grams per cubic meter, and the ratio of copper sulfate to ferrous sulfate is 5:2 or 6:2. When copper sulfate is used alone, it is below 1 gram per cubic meter.
In summer, it should be reduced to 0.6~0.8 grams per cubic meter. Try to sprinkle the medication evenly throughout the pool as much as possible, and prepare to rescue fish floating heads after medication.
The combination of copper sulfate and potassium permanganate (5:2) at a concentration of 0.5-0.7 grams per cubic meter at a temperature below 10 degrees Celsius can treat the disease of Chlamydomonas obliquus.
The combination of copper sulfate and citric acid (3:2) can treat meloidogyne at a concentration of 0.15-0.20g/cubic meter.

Copper sulfate 0.7g/cubic meter can treat ciliate disease of overwintering parent shrimp.
Copper sulfate 0.7g/m3 and 0.4 g/m3 of chlorpromazine are used together. First, copper sulfate is used, and then chlorpromazine is mixed with wet soil (1:100) before sprinkling to kill green mud moss.
Copper sulfate 0.7g/cubic meter can be used every other day to kill rotifers and snails; Once every 12 hours, it can be used to kill snails, lake snails, and red tide organisms in shrimp ponds (such as naked dinoflagellates and trichomonas).
Copper sulfate 1 gram/cubic meter can kill rotifers in water to prevent hypoxia caused by excessive reproduction of rotifers.
Copper sulfate 0.5 g/m3 combined with 1 g/m3 rhubarb can treat bacterial diseases, and can be used once every 3-4 days to treat grass carp bleeding disease.
2. Fish (fry) seed medicinal bath.
A copper iron mixture aqueous solution with a commonly used bath concentration of 8 grams/cubic meter (i.e. a ratio of copper sulfate to ferrous sulfate of 5:2), and a copper sulfate aqueous solution with a bleaching powder of 10 grams/cubic meter for 10 to 30 minutes. Both of the above formulas can kill bacteria and protozoa on the body surface and gills, and are also effective against myxocystis that have not formed cysts.
3. Kill algae and control the growth of harmful algae.
Copper sulfate can be used to inhibit and kill excessive blue-green algae and filamentous green algae in ponds, as well as to kill fungi and certain bacteria. Copper sulfate is effective in killing blue-green algae and can also be used to prevent fish poisoning caused by Microcystis and Chlorella. The concentration of medication for the entire pond is 0.7-0.9 grams per cubic meter (copper sulfate to ferrous sulfate ratio is 5:2). Copper sulfate can also be used to remove green mud moss, snails, and clams, as well as to prevent and control fish, shrimp, and crab diseases caused by the attachment of filamentous algae.
It is advisable to start the oxygenator in a timely manner after medication, or add water as appropriate in the morning of the next day. To prevent toxic substances produced after the death of algae from causing fish poisoning or hypoxia flooding.
4. Disinfection of tools and food facilities.
Fish utensils can be disinfected by soaking in 20 grams per cubic meter of copper sulfate aqueous solution for half an hour, which can kill protozoa.
Disinfection of the food grounds can be carried out regularly during the epidemic season of fish diseases. Use 100 grams of copper sulfate and 40 grams of ferrous sulfate each time. Dissolve in water and sprinkle around the dining area, with an area of 80-100 square meters. First, sprinkle the medicine and then feed the fish, once a day, for 2-3 consecutive days. Used to prevent and treat protozoan diseases. Feel free to consult us on any other matters http://51fww.cn !